Friday, August 08, 2008

Just For Fun-Paco the Pig

Just for Fun. I could not resist posting this. Here is a cute video my kids and me made about our favorite pig:

Paco the Pig-Olympic Edition


  1. Anonymous5:39 PM

    that is funny !!!!!!!!!!

  2. Anonymous8:05 AM

    too cute!!

  3. Anonymous5:57 PM

    You are great DCB

  4. Hi Dr. Brandon, just randomly was browsing through your blog. I loved the post on behavior management of paeds patients, and parents being a problem sometimes. Its just so well summarized.

  5. Hi,

    I wanted to let you know about the More than Footprints campaign Trip Advisor is running to give away $1 million to five great causes, including Save the Children. Trip Advisor developed the campaign to give to organizations that are doing amazing work to help our planet and people around the world. The five causes were chosen by Trip Advisor members, and they are all fantastic! Money is rewarded to the 5 charities through votes.

    I am particularly enthusiastic about Save the Children because I love kids believe in their mission in working together to help needy children in the United States and around the world through healthcare and education.

    Will you write about this amazing campaign, and encourage people to vote for Save the Children! Please post the link to vote: :

    I will be blogging about the campaign through a Trip Advisor site ( and I would be happy to post about your blog as well. Please let me know if you would like more information and I'll keep you updated on the voting progress!

    Thanks so much,
    Wendy Huang

  6. Anonymous6:03 PM

    Hi Dr. Brandon,
    Cute video, if my kids survive my parenting, I hope we will do fun stuff like that! Is there anywhere on this site that might tell me why my 11 month old's bottom tooth turned blue or blue-grey in less than two hours after a fall? It doesn't seem to hurt her...
    Thanks in advance,
    Mary Catherine, Concord

  7. That soon after a fall, I do not know, but if it persists, get a dentist to look.

  8. Anonymous7:28 AM

    Hello Dr. Brandon,

    That is cute!

    Your blog is very interesting and it seems as though you have a wide network!

    I am a Practice Consultant with Bruce Henry Associates based in Ft. Lauderdale, FL. I have several Pediatric practices that I am working with to help locate a pediatric dentist for their (private) practice.

    My current practice locations are in:

    St. Charles, MO
    Decatur, AL
    Los Gatos, CA
    St. John's NL (Canada)
    Anchorage, AK
    Hales, WI

    Do you have any colleagues that might be interested in considering practice opportunities or may be unhappy with their current situation? Perhaps I can help!

    Please feel free to contact me at:
    954-566-3550 Ext. 13

    Kind regards,

  9. HI Dr. Brandon...this is dr madaan from india. sir i found ur blog very interesting and useful.i found this thing in common between us that we both share a common interest that is web bloging and on dentistry.
    please check my blogs
    secondly, i am planning to appear for nbde exam next year to get seatled in U.S. so can u guide me about hows dentistry in U.S and its future prospects. thanx. (

  10. Thanks fellow blogger!

    In the US prospects for a good dentist are good I think. Larger communities in large cities, well, it's pretty competitive, so check out your market before investing lots of money to set up.

  11. Anonymous11:03 PM

    haha, this is hilarious!

  12. Anonymous9:13 AM

    Here's a link to a funny music video I just finished called "Don't Be Afraid Of The Dentist"

  13. Rock Daddy,

    That's pretty well done--good beat too!
    I love making funny videos.

  14. Anonymous5:28 PM

    Hey, this is pretty good stuff! Although this is my first visit here, I find your blog and your posts very insightful. Keep up the good work.

