Tuesday, January 03, 2006

What I use to make this Blog

Creating a Blog is a very new and fascinating thing for me. I use computers in my office every day, but I'm not a computer expert. EnglishCut.com is a blog by Thomas Mahon which originally inspired me. His blog has been very successful at explaining the intricacies of a specialized profession. Hopefully, my blog can reach those out there who are interested in the topics I present. Maybe it can inspire others to be interested in my profession as well.

First, I had to start the thing. Using Blogger, I set up appropriate templates. Wow, I thought, there is a lot of this HTML stuff in the templates. This looks like computer geek stuff way over my head. Where's the manual? However, with diligent hard work, well, hard for me, I created this blog and made my first post in September 2005.

I use a Macintosh MacBook Pro (as of May 2006) with OS X. I use a 20-inch Apple Cinema display when I am working at home. I use my digital camera, scanned photos and my GL-1 Video camera to make some of the images here. I also use Foxfire as my browser. I used to use Safari, but it does not support all the features on Blogger right now. I'll go back to Safari if they fix that concern. For the video, I use iMovie. Yes, you may not see any video here right now, but I'm working on it.

Mainly, I just spend a lot of time thinking up new interesting things to write about, new topics of that people might find informative and entertaining, and new photos or videos to use.


  1. I just found your blog and it is very interesting. While I'm not a computer geek either and don't know anything about "blogging", I am very impressed by what I see on your page (or blog, I guess is what it's called) I have 3 young children who are in the process of having dental procedures done and I look forward to reading more of your articles and gaining insightful wisdom in the pediatric dentistry world. I don't know a thing about what the dentist is telling me, and so it helps to have another outlet, if you will, to get more helpful information on how to procede with my childrens dental care. Thank you very much, I have already learned so much!!

  2. Hi Dr. Brandon
    Im also a ped dentist and I have been wanting to do a blog like this! How did you get the word out about your blog?

  3. Content is king.
    I suppose interesting posts. Plus, replying to the comments as seemed appropriate. I've been doing this since 2006.
