Monday, May 26, 2014

AAPD annual meeting in Boston!

The American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry (the aapd) had its annual meeting in Boston last weekend.  This is the annual gathering of pediatric dentists, staff, vendors, family and friends for fun and education.  Most of the meeting is continuing education.  However, we had the opening party at Fenway Park.  I thought, after having last year's meeting in Orlando, well, they could not match that.  They did, with a great party atmosphere.  Here are a few photos.  By the way, the security guard at the door asked me if I was from Alabama.  He said, "Really? an Alabama hat?".  He almost didn't let me go in, but relented with a wry smile on his face.  I said, Roll Tide.  See if you see any familiar New England characters:


  1. Wow, that looked like a ton of fun! Love the pictures!

  2. Hello! I just want to say thank you for the annual gatherings; we had so much fun. You organize it very well. Wow! The atmosphere in the party was really great! Thank you American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry for the opportunity to become part of your successful event. Hope you

  3. This certainly sounds like a very fun meeting! I know that my kids would love to visit a carnival like that. We have never been to Boston before. Maybe we should put that on our list of places to see!

    Hilary |

  4. Meeting looked like a the pictures! Thanks for sharing.

  5. That looked like a fun event. Thanks for posting pictures!

  6. Anonymous4:58 PM

    Hey, have a question here, I'm a minor and have good dental insurance, I'm 16 at the moment and have four or three cavities, all in the back rows. I'm a real sucker to pain and people keep telling me just to suck it up and get them filled, it's been about 6 months since they've said I need them filled. And I'd really love to just that I'm afraid it will hurt too much, and the needle injections to the gums for the general anesthetic would hurt to much because my gums are really weak, by which I mean that they bleed really easily. Is there anyway it can get treatment at say a hospital with laughing gas or something similar that would not hurt like crazy and keep me relaxed? If so then how much would it cost/ how much time would it take/ how hard is it to set up such procedure? Any help is really appreciated. Thanks for your time!

  7. I see that you anxious about the whole thing. Pediatric Dentists are particularly good at determining the best way to get dental work done in the most stress free manner possible. Make sure your parents are aware of your anxiety. Many procedures can be accomplished without discomfort. Managing anxiety can be done with or without local anesthesia. Sedative medications, nitrous oxide or even general anesthesia can be sued as well. I recommend a pediatric dentist take a look, and you can discuss with them the best thing for you. Everybody is different.

  8. It seems like it would be a lot of fun to go to these kinds of conventions as a pediatric dentists. I would really like the part about working with kids. It would be pretty challenging to help them be calm from time to time.

  9. Please one more post about that.I wonder how you got so good. This is really a fascinating blog, lots of stuff that I can get into. One thing I just want to say is that your Blog is so perfect

  10. Anonymous10:44 PM

    I have a question about what I should do for my 2.5yr old. His dentist said at his last visit that he has extremely deep pockets in his teeth....mainly in the back lower teeth. I have brushed, flossed, taken pacifier away for good, do not give him any sticky foods and used special anti-cavity toothpaste but I checked today and his back teeth still have a little black in the deep pockets. Our dentist said that if they do not improve then he may have to go under general in the hospital to have them filled!!!! This totally freaks me out!!!! He is only 23lbs! Is this extreme....I mean she is already talking about this and he doesn't even have a cavity yet! Is there anything else I could be doing to prevent cavities from forming other than what I am doing? What are some other options besides going under general in a hospital? Is there anyway to put a sealant or something on his teeth to maybe fill his deep pockets to avoid getting cavities?? Please help....any advice would be greatly appreciated! Thx, Tara

  11. I guess by pockets they mean the pits and grooves on the tops of the back teeth. Lots of kids have that. That just means the teeth are more vulnerable to cavities. Some kids do get cavities back there at very young ages. Some with extensive treatment needs or who are very young benefit by General anesthesia to get the work done. Much like kids get tubes in their ears in the hospital. Sealants can help but not so easy to place in a two year old. Plus they don't seem to stay as well on baby molars. Read more here in the blog about the hospital, cavities in young children and sealants. There is a lot here. Good luck.

  12. I had a relative who was invited to go to that but was unable to attend. I am totally going to send this article to him to show him how much he missed out on. He was at the one in Orlando and had a blast.

  13. My son got hit in the mouth tonight. It cut his gum above his front tooth and now it's hanging down over his tooth on one end and attached at the other. What does someone do in this situation? Will it reattach it seems too far away to do that. Will it need to be snipped or stitched?

  14. Well, I can't say, but if a child is less than 6 or so, (baby teeth), usually gum injuries are not that big of a deal. Either way, get your pediatric dentist to take a look.

  15. Great meeting, thanks for the pictures!

  16. That looks like so much fun, pictures are so amazing!
    I'd like to have some more details from the event.

    Great work!

  17. Awesome Blog,, every picture shows its own meaning .
    Love to read other blogs too for more interesting topics

  18. FKG UNISSULA presents international congress and exhibition FORSILA II “Indonesian Dentistry Embracing AEC 2015: What to prepare?” on 30-31 May 2015 at Aston Hotel, with interesting topic:
    1.How to start implant surgery?
    2.Management TMD
    3.How to get a success of crown and bridge therapy?
    4.New Concept in Labial veneering
    5.Best time to start orthodontic treatment
    6.Ergonomy and low back pain in Dentistry
    7.Management of dentistry in spesial need children
    8.Oroantral Communication(Fistula):what should we do?
    9.How to manage : Cross infection in dentistry?
    10.Saliva diagnostic tool of Hepatitis
    11.Discoloration of oral soft tissue
    12.Talk Show : Medication for pregnancy related to dentistry
    13.Talk Show : Indonesian Dentistry Embracing AEC 2015: What to prepare?

    Hands On:
    1.Labial Veneering
    3.Crown and Bridge
    4.Management of De pigmentation
    5.Management of Oro antral communication (Fistula)

    Registration before 15 Jan 2015 :
    Dentist: 600 IDR
    Student: 450 IDR
    Speaker : 500 IDR
    15 Jan – 29 May 2015
    Dentist: 700 IDR
    Student: 450 IDR
    Speaker : 500 IDR

    Call for paper until 30 March 2015 (proceeding ISBN)

    Also join short course in FKG UNISSULA on 29 May 2015
    1.Continuing One visit endodontic treatment on single root (from root canal treatment until provisoris)
    2.BLS plus Emergency on dentistry
    3.Mastering hypnodonsia in dental practice

    Contact us :
    Drg Rahmawati (081325993165)
    Drg Arlina (087878800288)

  19. Anonymous8:13 AM

    Hi Dr.Dean Brandon. I had a question I was hoping you would be kind enough to answer. My son is 10 and last week he had a sore throat and when looking at it I seem something white in the center of his palate so I looked more closely at it and it appears to be a molar growing in the center of the roof of his mouth. He said it doesn't cause him any pain at all and he barely notices it. I hate the thought of general anesthesia for him as so many things can go wrong. Do you recommend seeing a dentist for surgery?

  20. Robert---I recommend seeing a dentist, oral surgeon or physician right away to see what is going on. Depending on the diagnosis, then a procedure can be suggested or not. Something in the roof of the mouth does not sound right.

  21. its been a long time since you update your blog i hopre everything is fine ?

  22. This event looks like a blast! I don't think I would've let you in with an Alabama hat! I hope I can go to this meeting next year.

  23. Love the pictures!! Please share more, I've been meaning to go to more games myself... maybe I'll share some of my own.
