Although I have done my best to be accurate and thorough, I do not want anyone to think any information presented here is the best out there, nor do I present our practice or our dentists as any better than any other. In fact, this blog is not a direct part of Alabama Pediatric Dental Associates and Orthodontics. The opinions expressed here are not necessarily those of any of the other doctors or employees of the practice.
I have established this blog in the interest of information and free discussion. Being in Pediatrics means I like to spice up the boring text with pictures and cartoons. All the graphics used are either images made by me, or images thought to be non-copyrighted or intended for public access and are available and viewable on the internet or other public sources. If you see something here that is your work and do not wish it to be used, please let me know. Abusive or crude comments are not allowed. All comments are moderated prior to posting. If you obviously are just trying ot sell something, I may not post your comment. In fact, I reserve the right to post, or not-to-post, any comments made here.
You may see some people used in videos or photos on this blog. Anyone who is identifiable as a patient has signed a consent form giving permission to use his or her images. Here is a good resource if you happened to wonder about: Medical Record Confidentiality HIPAA and Blogging . If I have used your image without your consent and you don't want it on the blog, or if you have changed your mind about the consent given, please let me know right away.
Disclosure and Contact Info: I do not receive any remuneration or compensation from any companies as a result of any products mentioned or reviewed in this blog, unless specifically noted in the post. I earn my income from treating patients in our private dental practice and related professional activities. I only financially benefit from this blog to the extent that this blog encourages patients to choose our professional dental services in our practice located in Huntsville and Madison Alabama. Office phone: 256-539-7447 Main Office address: 4001 Balmoral Drive, Huntsville, Alabama 35801. Some people have mentioned there is no e-mail contact. I do not wish to place my e-mail online as a lot of junk e-mail tends to accumulate. In addition to the phone and address above, I can be contacted by my twitter account which is linked on the main page. Also, you may leave a comment on this post.
Please do not Plagiarize: All articles are written by me unless otherwise noted, and I hold the content as my own and subject to copyright. As of January 2011 and here forward, all rights are reserved. In the past, I have used the following creative commons copyright:
All materials here created by me are under the Creative Commons Copyright:

Pediatric Dentistry by Dr. Dean Brandon is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.
Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available at Basically, you can share, but give credit as outlined on the Creative Commons Copyright.
There are some photographs or graphics which I do not hold any copyright rights to. As such, they may be used by anyone. Please contact me first if you intend to do so, to make sure it is ok to do so.
This is not a scientific journal, nor is it meant to be a peer reviewed footnoted discourse. This blog, like most blogs, is opinion. If you have a different way of doing things, fine. There is often more than one right way. If you don't like the techniques or methods used, or if you just want to complain, please do so here, but use appropriate discretion. It may just be, however, that you need to get your own blog if you think you have the absolute best way. I have tried to stay within the boundaries of state law and proper ethical standards. I know we're pushing the envelope sometimes with blogging. I hope in the end, this blog makes everyone more informed and a little bit happier. God Bless.
Please do not Plagiarize: All articles are written by me unless otherwise noted, and I hold the content as my own and subject to copyright. As of January 2011 and here forward, all rights are reserved. In the past, I have used the following creative commons copyright:
All materials here created by me are under the Creative Commons Copyright:

Pediatric Dentistry by Dr. Dean Brandon is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.
Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available at Basically, you can share, but give credit as outlined on the Creative Commons Copyright.
There are some photographs or graphics which I do not hold any copyright rights to. As such, they may be used by anyone. Please contact me first if you intend to do so, to make sure it is ok to do so.
This is not a scientific journal, nor is it meant to be a peer reviewed footnoted discourse. This blog, like most blogs, is opinion. If you have a different way of doing things, fine. There is often more than one right way. If you don't like the techniques or methods used, or if you just want to complain, please do so here, but use appropriate discretion. It may just be, however, that you need to get your own blog if you think you have the absolute best way. I have tried to stay within the boundaries of state law and proper ethical standards. I know we're pushing the envelope sometimes with blogging. I hope in the end, this blog makes everyone more informed and a little bit happier. God Bless.
I am a Pediatric dentist located in Beirut lebanon , I have a five years old female patient who is caries free had a tauma almost 16 months ago where her incisomesial angle of her maxillary rt central incisor was fractured it was builtup, lately her maxillary rt lateral incisor is mobile with a small abcess located just near the interdental gingival papilla, the radiograph shows a total resorption of the lateral incisor root any idea of what the cause could be. thank you
I can't say, but I have seen teeth adjacent to a traumatized area have problems. They may have sustained a trauma (luxation or something) at the same time as the other teeth did, but it was not as obvious. Also, an abscess can cause tooth root resorption.
dear dr saleem .
will you please keave me your tel no , i have a patient need to transfer it to you.
Thank you
fawaz nasr
You may have noted already the web link to our practice (APDA). The contact info is there. But for the sake of efficiency, here it is:
4001 Balmoral Drive
Huntsville, Alabama 35801
I hope you don’t mind me posting this here, as I couldn’t find your email address.
Working on behalf of Wrigley’s, we’re looking for dental bloggers to write about the FDI & Wrigley Photographic Award, for which entries close in just 2 weeks.
Wrigley Oral Healthcare Programs (WOHP) and the FDI are inviting dental professionals to express their creative side and snap-up some fantastic prizes, by sending in a picture that makes them smile.
They are giving away prizes ranging from an all-inclusive trip to an upcoming FDI Annual World Dental Congress in either Singapore 2009 or Brazil 2010 to a years supply of Wrigley’s sugar-free gum.
All you need to do is upload a photo that makes you smile by Wednesday 8 July 2009.
For each entry received WOHP will also donate $25 US, up to $25,000 US total, to the FDI’s World Dental Development Fund (WDDF), which supports oral health education and projects worldwide.
If you would like to write a blog post about this, please email me at and I can send more information and images.
Many thanks and happy snapping!
Christianne Birtwistle
On behalf of Wrigley Oral Health Programs (WOHP)
My duaghter is 12years old now.She had a fall 5 years back and lost her front permanent tooth. Now she wants her tooth to be fixed. When can we fix what are the methods to fix a tooth. Gaps are there in between other front tooth.Her voice and smile are changing .Please advise me.
Methods to "replace " a knocked out tooth include a bridge, implants, or most commonly-orthodontics. See my posts on trauma and on when to start braces.
See your pediatric dentist and/or orthodontist.
From here forward, only comments or questions regarding the topic of this post will be considered for publication on this post. That is, please only comments or questions regarding this blog disclaimer or any copyright issues. Thanks.
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