A Blog Dedicated to Pediatric Dentistry and Orthodontics
And Especially the Friends and Patients of Alabama Pediatric Dental Associates and Orthodontics
We have just updated our practice web site. You can check it out with the link on the sidebar or click the picture here. We still need to fine tune the new site a little, but it looks great. We did have a great web site before, but it was hard to update. The new site was develped with the help of Televox. I like the rocket logo blasting off!
My daughter is 2 and my son is six, both are being treated for severe hypoplasia, however, my daughter's front three teeth are so severe, the ped. dentist is recommending extraction, I am concern about the general anesthesia and having her asleep. Whatr are the risk? Are there other alternatives. We floride, we floss, we brush etc.
I see two year olds with lots of dental problems all the time. In some cases there may not be enough tooth structure to adequately restore the teeth in question. There are risks to any treatment modality, but I do general anesthesia cases all the time and have never had a problem. Ask your dentist about your concerns and if there are other options.
Pediatric Dentist,
Past President-Huntsville Madison County Dental Society, Former Chief of Dentistry-Huntsville Hospital, Adjunct Assistant Professor- Univ. of Alabama School of Dentistry, In practice for over 20 years with Alabama Pediatric Dental Associates and Orthodontics, Blogger, Author.
I am available for certain speaking engagements. Topics may include Pediatric Dentistry (obviously), Social Media and Blogging, Practice Management and Business Development, Practice Transitions, and others. Yes, usually there would be a fee, especially if I have to travel or take time off my regular schedule. If you are interested, contact me at our office, via Twitter, Facebook or on this blog.
Pediatric Dentistry is copyrighted. If you wish to reprint or use any of the posts or content printed here, you must contact the author Dr. Dean Brandon for specific written permission.
My daughter is 2 and my son is six, both are being treated for severe hypoplasia, however, my daughter's front three teeth are so severe, the ped. dentist is recommending extraction, I am concern about the general anesthesia and having her asleep. Whatr are the risk? Are there other alternatives. We floride, we floss, we brush etc.
I see two year olds with lots of dental problems all the time. In some cases there may not be enough tooth structure to adequately restore the teeth in question. There are risks to any treatment modality, but I do general anesthesia cases all the time and have never had a problem. Ask your dentist about your concerns and if there are other options.
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