I heard a representative for BioEden speak at the Annual Session in San Antonio. There is a good video on their web site. Also, here is a short news report on the subject:

A Blog Dedicated to Pediatric Dentistry and Orthodontics And Especially the Friends and Patients of Alabama Pediatric Dental Associates and Orthodontics
Wondering if you know what this is. My daughter is one years old and has what looks like a pointy tooth coming out behind one of her top teeth. She's had her two front top and two front bottom teeth for a few months now. Her second pair of top teeth are coming in and behind hte left one it looks like another tooth is breaking through. What is this and what should we do?
My 5 1/2 old son has a extra middle tooth erupted, it is peg like just behind his two upper middle incisors. None of his permanent teeth has come in yet. Is this rare? Should I have it removed or just wait and see?
Can it just fall out with the other baby tooth?
Sorry for the delay, I've been out of the country.
I don't know what you two have there, but I have seen patients at that age (one) with supernumary (extra) teeth, or extra cusps or bumps on the teeth, also fusion and gemination have unusual appearances. I have even seen parents who think the nasopalatine papilla (the soft pink bump between the two front teeth) is an extra tooth.
On the 5 year old, You can get an x-ray to confirm things like that. Good to get it looked at I suppose. See also my post on mesiodens.
Take a look to this article. I really thank you for this section of your blog.
Early Orthodontic Care Can Change a Young Child's Future
my soon to be 7 yr old son has a second tooth coming in right under his front tooth it is pushing the front one out. we just moved and i am trying to get him into a new dentist asap.the front tooth is now loose should we pull it out.
I cannot advise as I am not his dentist, but you might want to read the post on permanent teeth coming in behind baby teeth. I think that might apply.
My youngest son put his tooth under his pillow this weekend, giggling with anticipation of what the tooth fairy would bring. Across the country, Songtao Shi, a pediatric dentist at the National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research, has been putting the teeth of his daughter of about the same age into a glass of milk in the fridge. Why? Shi and his colleagues have discovered that recently lost baby teeth contain powerful stem cells. They could prove to be an excellent alternative to fetal stem cell harvesting, understandably controversial despite its enormous therapeutic potential. Baby tooth stem cells may one day be used to repair damaged teeth – or perhaps even spinal cord injuries, diabetes, or degenerative diseases. I asked Dr. Shi about this. He said that baby teeth stored overnight in milk at 4 degrees C (about 40 degrees F) are still loaded with living stem cells in the morning. One day soon, people may well drop off their baby teeth at the dentist's the next day.
The stem cells could be frozen and stored for years and years, available for transplant or treatment if needed. My guess is that this will become practical while my son is still losing his baby teeth. I hope so.
Dr. Brandon,
My three year old daughter had a fall 4 mnths back and her Incisor1B was intruded. It came back down but I see the pimple on the gums which I learn is an abscess from a dead tooth. I might go in for an extraction but was unsure of where to get it done. Cud u pls suggest a good ped dentist in the NY/NJarea. Thanks a ton
I know an orthodontist in New Yourk City, but sounds like you need a Pediatric Dentist. I would suggest looking at the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry web site. They have a search function to find members in your area. Make sure they are a specialist in Pediatric Dentistry.
My daughter is 4 yrs. old. As part of a routine check up w/ her regular dentist, I was told she had an extra tooth. I was shown her xrays, and sure enough, she does. Its between her 2 front teeth, growing down, instead of up, thankfully. But, its coming in much faster than her adult front teeth. Its probably grown in 50% longer/ more. Its also shortening the root of one of those front (baby) teeth. Her dentist recommends keeping an eye out for it, he says we can probably pull it within the year. By then it will hopefully be visible from the backside. My concern is, does this advice sound right? And most articles I've googled, have said their children with an extra front tooth, had 1 of their permanent front teeth grow in SIDEWAYS!!!! And will she need braces? She's only 4.... I'm devastated that she should have oral problems already. Both her front teeth are needing pulpectomies (I probably spelled that wrong). Not another cavity in her mouth.... Could this be from the extra tooth wreaking havoc? And, is it hereditary? I have very strong, straight teeth. Her father does not. He had to have his eyeteeth pulled cause they grew way up on the gums. And many of his teeth grew in crooked. He, and BOTH his parents had dentures by age 30- 35. Please let me know what you think...
Thanks so much,
See my post on:
Mesiodens/extra tooth
and others here on that topic.
StemSave offers services in conjunction with saving baby teeth, orthodontic extractions and wisdom teeth. Much more information at www.stemsave.com
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