10. Orthodontic Fashion Different color braces: this also includes traditional silver braces, gold braces, and clear or invisible braces.
9. The Dental Specialties A summary of the dental specialties with commentary.
8. Aspiring Dentist Saves Christmas! A holiday favorite!
7. Children's Dentistry An overview of what we do More about what we do an a daily basis.
6. How do you Become a Pediatric Dentist or Orthodontist? Basics of what is required.
5. Posterior Crossbite Also about all kinds of crossbites. Very common condition often needing correction. I get lots of requests about this topic I think because it is so common and dentists are recommending needed correction.
4. When is the Best Time to Start Braces? A question often asked, with more than one answer.
3. Fractured Teeth, Knocked out Teeth, and other Pediatric Dental Accidents Basics of pediatric dental trauma.
2. Permanent Tooth Coming in Behind Baby Teeth A very common occurence. You know, baby teeth not falling out in time.
--and the #1 Post on Pediatric dentistry this past year:
1. My Child's Tooth is Turning Dark! I know you're wondering how that has happened and what to do about it.
If you want more, go back to the home page or click here:Pediatric Dentistry
My 2 1/2 year old needs 2extractions, please help! About 4 months ago, my girl had a small cavitiy filled by a pedo specialist with white filling located inbetween her 2 upper front teeth. Withing a month, both teeth turned greenish black. I went back and saw a different doctor who told me that both her front teeth had died. She took x-rays and said the filling was touching the root. She said my daughter might have been sensitive to the white filling material and thus caused the teeth to die. She advised to leave them alone unless they showed signs of infection. Well 3 months later and there are pockets of fluid on the gums above the teeth. Went back and saw original doc who did the filling and she is extracting both teeth next week because x-rays show they are infected. She did not bother to explain why they died or anything else. I am very distraught because my daughters adult teeth won't come in for another 4 1/2 years, we are considering pedo partials but also heard they are hard to upkeep with small children (I don't even think her back teeth have grown out enough to clip the partials on!) My question is: Is the initial doctor at fault for damaging the roots of the teeth or placing the fillings so close to the root causing the root to die? I am extremely upset and worried about the future of my daughters teeth and the probable need for extensive orthodontic treatments when she gets older, not to mention speech, appearance, and self confidence problems. It cost us around $600 out of pocket to fix the filling inbetween her two front teeth and now another $1000 to do the extractions and partials.
Please advise me on whether this doctor should remain my doctor or not....This clinic is suppose to be the best clinic around as pedo specialists.
Thanks, Hannah
Hannah, I am sorry to hear of your experience. I do not know about your specific situation, but I can say that if a baby tooth is abscessed, I will usually recommend removal. As you can read, a Pedo Partial is an option, but is not necessary except for appearance. (They are usually not needed for space maintenance/orthodontic reasons or speech). If you are considering such a thing, I would suspect you may have to wait till more teeth come in and she is cooperative (which she may be now, but usually I wait till age 3.5 or 4).
I have seen teeth "die/abscess" after being restored. The fillings may be fine, but the pulp of the tooth did not survive. Why? Usually you never know, but remember there was a large initial cavity there. The initial bacterial insult of the cavity, previous trauma to the teeth, just plain bad luck? We are dealing with a somewhat unpredictable biological system, not a precise predictable mechanism.
I cannot say about your doctor, but the circumstaces as you have discribed are, unfortunately, not unheard of. If you feel there is a lack of trust, then I might revaluate your relationship with the doctor, but give them a chance, (especially of they are a pediatric dentist). I sense from your note you are frustrated about the cost of things too. I bet your daughter will ultimately be fine. Good Luck.
this post is interesting, because there are lots of facts about our oral health and other related stuff about our teeth. It is very good to know that there's a blog, suing it as a way to interact closely with their patients. I think technology makes our life easier and effective; whether it is for dentistry or to just to communicate others.
Thank you!
My 7 year old grandson has bright yellow spots on his 2 new permanent teeth. Does anyone know what this is or what causes it? Will all of his permanent teeth have these spots?
Might want to read my post on White spots on teeth, enamel hypoplasia
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