I see two year olds every day with tooth decay; sometimes many teeth are involved. If that child had been in our office at age one, we might have limited the damage from the decay. Also, it's a good idea to get them (and you) used to regular visits so that when there is an emergency or other concern the child is used to the office, doctor and staff. Now don't expect a one or two year old to just hop up in the chair and get his teeth cleaned. See here for more info on children's behavior in the office. How Children Behave in the Dental Office, What to Expect.
Here is a good link for additional info on infant oral health care:
Cincinnati Children's Hospital Dental Health Info
Photo courtesy of Quizno's--She's so cute!
I purchased "How to Successfully Prepare for Your Child's First Dental Visit" and it really helped. It may help you too..www.firstdentalvisit.com
Anyone else buy this book?(How to successfully prepare for your child's first dental visit) Where did you buy it? How did you like it?
I think this a great book for a young child. It is Dora, Show Me Your Smile:
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