We are all excited to have this new location. We are on Sandlin Road off Beltline across from Wilson Morgan Park. We see patients from birth to 21 years and are currently taking new patients. You may call 256-772-7373 for an appointment.

Dr. Masterson grew up in Decatur and is particularly pleased we now can serve our patients from the area with a more convenient location. It is not as large as our Huntsville and Madison locations, but we think you will find it inviting and fun. It's the same great staff and doctors you are accustomed to at APDA. Our doctors will rotate through the office. So, you will likely see all of us there at any given time. Yes, Orthodontic appointments are available in addition to all our regular Pediatric and Adolescent care.
APDA has ben around a long time. We actually started in Huntsville Alabama more than 40 years ago. We also were the first to provide Madison with Pediatric Dentistry, serving patients there since 1992.
Here is a video tour:
added May 2011
Charles F. Masterson (b. October 31, 1917) was born in New York, New York and received a B.A. from Long Island University in 1938. He earned a M.A. and a Ph.D. from Columbia University in 1939 and 1952, respectively
Don't know who that is, but our Dr. Marc Masterson is not quite that old.
Hi,my dentist pulled out 2 tooth for my braces. One on the top and another one on the bottom.Both on the left part of the teeth. Now my face looks unbalanced. The left side looks narrow while the right side looks big. Is that because of my braces? Besides, the top teeth does not asymmetrical with the bottom teeth. What should I do?
thank you.
I cannot really say what is going on. I would advise asking your orthodontist. As treatment continues teeth move and things change with time. Braces can correct asymmetries, crowding and other things.
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