I have been asked to speak at the American Acdemy of Pediatric Dentistry's Annual Session in San Antonio, Texas. The subject? "Blogs and Their Use in Dentisty". A more thorough report will follow in June after the meeting has ended. It's pretty fun speaking about something you know and enjoy. I am not an expert in Powerpoint, but I think I can get together something pretty entertaining and informative. Last Tuesday I made a presentation for our office staff incorporating pictures and music from the Austin Powers Movies. It was a great hit!
So, off to Texas,
Yeah Baby, Yeah!
We missed the AAPD this year, but I would have really enjoyed your presentation. I have been thinking about starting an e-newsletter or blog for my husband's practice for a while now. Is your presentation on Powerpoint or available in another format? Thank for taking the time to respond! I think your blog is great for patients and dentistry!
- The wife of a FL pedodontist
thegeyser at hotmail dot com
Thanks, I will try to get something here on the blog this month. They have audio CD's of the lectures available for purchase. Just contact the AAPD if you want a copy of exactly what I said. Sometimes just a bunch of slides do not convey the entire message.
I never know what to ask when I'm sitting there with the doc in front of me, but by the time I get home I'm filled with questions. So what do I do? I can't call the doc NOW and ask him all my questions..... Instead, I "Googled" my questions and came accross your blog. You answered all my questions and even answered a few I didn't think to ask! Thank you for taking the time out to do your blog and provide such a reliable resource for people such as myself.
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