When you get braces, the first thing they do is place orthodontic separators. In order to put on orthodontic bands you have to slip them over the teeth like putting a ring on your finger. Teeth are usually tight (it's pretty hard to floss back there isn't it)? So, separators are these little things that are placed between the back teeth to gently move them apart just a little so the bands will fit on easily at your next appointment. In the old days these were metal and used on every tooth because they had to band every tooth. Mostly, however, we use "seps" that are like little rubber bands. The teeth will move apart slowly just a little. It feels like a little piece of food between the teeth. Some kids's teeth get a little sore, but it's not bad. Sometimes after the teeth move, the seps fall out. See your orthodontist or pediatric dentist if you need them replaced prior to your next appointment.
does it hurt when it's placed on???
no. But it's kind of like a piece of food stuck between your teeth. Can be sore the first day of so.
This is a painful method of seperating the tooth and the only benefit is that its fast. patient may need NDAIDs for a day or two or while banding procedures. The best sepetator which has absolultey no pain since its a physiological seperator and takes about 4-7 days. No need of NSAIDs :)
If you're only getting braces on the top teeth do you have to have seperators?
If you're only getting braces on the top teeth do you have to have seperators?
Seperators are needed of they are putting on any kind of orthodontic bands (rings)--upper Or lower. You might not need seperators if there is natural spacing between the teeth in question (usually the permanent first molars.)
Will the separators be removed before the bands are put on or will the bands we put onto the separators. I got my separators yesterdays and it makes it almost impossible to chew because they stick out above the tooth and every time you bite down, they get pushed into the gums.
Seperators are removed before the bands are placed. So, no problems there.
This is not a painful way of seprating the teeth. I know this because, i have just had two placed in my upper back teeth. It feels like there is a peice of food stuck there, but no pain whatsoever.
okay, i just had spacers put in and THEY HURT. your teeth are numb and if you try to chew something the spacers are pushed deeper into your gums it feels like someone is stabbing your gums. and if you try to touch your tounge to your teeth, well you'll cry in pain! so i don't know what the orthodontists are thinking. but it hurts. maybe they should go through the pain. and orthos should tell the patient what heck they are going to go through. or give them medicine that makes your mouth NUMB. that would work too.
how does the separators work ? i mean i want to know it the mechanism of tooth ,movement what happens to periodontal ligament of those teeth ? how tooth separation takes place ? pls help
Orthodontic separators work pretty much like braces. The periodontal ligament on one side of the root is stretched a little and the other side is compressed. That stimulates the compressed side osteoclastic activity of the cells to dissolve the bone on that side, the tooth moves into the small space. The void on the other side osteoblastic activity of the cells lays down new bone. This would happen on a very small scale over a few days or weeks.
All teeth move a little if you really look. They are suspended in the socket that allows for minor movement. Sometimes we even place a separator for just 30 minutes and you can create enough space to get a thin band on there more comfortably. That is not the tooth movement I described here, but just fluid movement in the socket that rebounds in about 30 minutes.
thank you @Dr.Dean Brandon
Teeth are usually tight and separators are the little things that are placed between the back teeth to gently move them. It is a painful method but the benefits are more.
Michigan Dentist
if you get your seps in, then how long do you have to wear them? also could you eat or chew your food like you always do without any pain? please somebody answer.
Usually, you wear them for a week or two. No longer needed once orthodontic bands are placed.
I had my separators yesterday, one of them was causing an extremest pain which didn't either respond to Ibrof. 600Mg..I had to take it away after 24 hours only. I will have my appointment after 6 days.. don't know if I should put it back or wait for my appointement
Dont really hurt afterward,but my teeth are really tight and when putting them in it hurt.
However I cant see how you bit and it hurts like its cutting your gums. Im 12,im a girl and I can bear it. Its not even painful,feels like having caramel stuck in between teeth. Just uncomfortable. God the dentist told me it'll be sore for a few days and 2 hours after I got them in i'm crunching on biscuits.
Is it nor
Al to feel that your teeth is shaking slightly after you put in the separators?Mine definitely do.Pls reply!
They can make your teeth feel weird. I've not heard shaky. Wait a couple days and let me know if it gets better. I bet it does. Of course if you have concerns ask your orthodontist.
Im on my third day of seperators and the pain is killing me, even my front teeth feel sore to the touch!Will this ever calm before the orthodontist removes them in a week? or are my teeth just too overcrowed? Also can anyone give me any tips to relieve this pain?
Also will my pain disappear once the brace goes on or will it continue if my teeth are overcrowded?
I just had my separators placed for 3 days and it had already moved my teeth out of alignment. It actually shifted my last teeth higher up the gum. Will it the braces bring all the teeth back to proper alignment later on? Currently it's the 5th day with the separators and it doesn't really hurt but my teeth are weak, couldn't enjoy my food as usual. Gotta eat something softer.
when it starts to hurt should you bite down hard so the seperators back in?
I just had these put in. The top ones don't hurt at all, but the bottom is gonna keep me up all night. It hurts like crazy. This might be because I lost my bottom spacer a few days ago, so my teeth had shifted back a bit. But still, OWWWWW
I just had these put in. The top ones don't hurt at all, but the bottom is gonna keep me up all night. It hurts like crazy. This might be because I lost my bottom spacer a few days ago, so my teeth had shifted back a bit. But still, OWWWWW
how long does it usually take for an ortodontist to put them in your mouth?
Not long. Just a few minutes.
I have had seps in for 4 days now and the pain is unbearable! They were not sore on the first day but have ached since the day after and the pain seems to be getting progressivley worse!! Any tips??? The dull ache is so hard to bear
I just got mine put in yesterday and some of them stick out above my teeth. What precautions should I take?
Can you go swimming with separators in??
Swimming? sure.
ive had ,ine for a week, and one on the top just broke and is still in my tooth and it husrts, i dont go back untill the 16th and its ony the 2nd.. i want to take it out ! its like hanging
One of my separators fell out, and when I looked at it, it was broken. I have only had it in for 2 days and my next appointment isn't for another four days. What should I do?
Hi, I have spacers on but yesterday night I noticed that one of them fell out. I have four on both sides of my mouth do that would be 8 spacers in all but since one of them fell out I only have 7. Im getting my braces in three days. Do you think I will need to go and get the spacer back in or can I just wait
As I may have mentioned before, they tend to get loose after a space is created and may fall out. Usually the space takes several days to close back up. One or two days is usually not a big deal, but I'd call your orthodontist and ask.
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