Gary Vaynerchuk's new book, Crush-It, is a great read for those interested in converting one's passion into something more. He has lots of insights on blogging, social networking, business and how to use these techniques and insights in growing not only a business but to enriching your personal life. It is important to find something you love to do and put your energy into that endeavor, hobby or business. If it's your passion, it's really not "work" in the classsic sense, it's enjoyable no matter the hours needed to make it happen. The key is to realize the thing you love to do is the thing you were meant to do. Once you find that, if you put in lots of time and hard work, you will succeed.

I was privileged to meet Gary last year and listen to many of his ideas on business and blogging. I have even recently incorporated a few of his suggestions from his book into this blog including the link on the sidebar for those interested in making an appointment with our office:

I love my profession and I love to blog about it here. I hope to develop professionally and personally by following my passion blogging here about Pediatric Dentistry. It takes long hours and hard work, but constant improvement and excellence is something to which we all should all aspire.
(Gary if you read this, and I know you might, please feel free to comment).
Dr. Brandon,
I enjoy your blog. I am a dentist (2008 grad from UAB !!) and I just started working in Ft. Hood, Tx. I am seeing a lot of kids, and since I was at a VA last yea, where my average age was 65, I am interested in all you have to say.
I have a question on a 16 yo, missing all perm PM and incisors on max and man. The pt has her canines but they are in #7 and #9 positions and are rotated mesially 90 degrees (same with mandibular #22 and #27 are in incisal position). The pt and parent want 6 and 11 extracted even though I have informed and educated them on why it would be best to save and orthodontically move them for her future dentition. Their CC is done what will give her a pretty smile the fastest. Pt sees extraction as the best option.
I would love to hear your opinion and tx options. Is there anything I can do to give her a pretty smile yet retain 6 and 11. Pt is willing to under ortho and save 22 and 27 since they are not seen.
I have seen 2 other patients non-related with this. I think it is something in the army water. : )
Thank you!
I can't tell exactly what your patient is presenting with from your note, that is, which are missing which are still there, but I have seen patients with many congenitally missing permanent teeth or perhaps because of Ectodermal Dysplasia or some unknown developmental condition. Either way, I do not deal with many cases with a massive number of missing permanent teeth, unless it is congenital or the occcasional trauma. I have seen a few like that though.
Of course, you know that if you are intending on having a prosthesis of some kind any kind of permanent tooth to hang on to is sooo important.
Every case is different, but most of the time, we suggest orthodontic treatment to get what teeth a patient has in the best possible position--then make a prosthesis (or have their general dentist make one) as may be indicated. Many times if it's missing upper laterals you can close the spaces and no prosthesis is needed. In some cases of missing bi's the primary molars can be retained for some time or can be removed, closing the existing spaces with ortho. It helps if the patient is still growing. Seems like if they are willing to do ortho, it's not that much more effort or expense to do ortho on other teeth at the same time.
Sounds like a difficult case.
I suppose one could save permanent rotated cuspid/incisors by doing crowns rather than ortho, but often that is not the best way... Fastest? is likely an interum flipper type orthodontic retainer with fake teeth once the ortho is completed,or while the ortho is beign done. (depends on the case) Of course I cannot really say as it's not my patient and just going on your note.
My son is 8 years old and before 2 month my husband went to a dendist and he took away two of his upper teath ,One of new teeth came soon and No sign of the other..
Sir , I am afraid whether it was a new teeth which was taken away..
Sir , can u tell me how long it will take for an eight year old boy to his new teeth to come ?
My e mailid
I am from India
My son is 8 years old and before 2 month my husband went to a dendist and he took away two of his upper teath ,One of new teeth came soon and No sign of the other..
Sir , I am afraid whether it was a new teeth which was taken away..
Sir , can u tell me how long it will take for an eight year old boy to his new teeth to come ?
My e mailid
I am from India
Check out the ADA eruption chart:
ADA tooth eruption chat
Also, my post here:
Baby teeth/Permanent teeth
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