In life, there are few things that are as productive as reading good books. It's an inexpensive education. There are basically two kinds of "good books". The main ones I like to read are non-fiction along the lines of self-improvement, business, investing, psychology, history, biographies, etc. I could list 100 books here that are excellent sources of information. Other kinds of good books are fiction novels and short stories. Don't think that because you are in science, business, medicine or dentistry, that you cannot find inspiration from great works of fiction. I am a particular fan of Sherlock Holmes mysteries. Here are a few books I am reading right now...

Comments about books and reading only, please.
Thanks for sharing! I always find inspiration from your blogs.
This is a question in regards to one of your older post called ‘White Crowns for Baby Teeth’ posted on June 17, 2006. Our daughter will be two this May and she has tooth decay. We took her to the pediatric dentist and they said that she has tooth decay because of breastfeeding. My question is, is breastfeeding the only reason for her tooth decay, does food not play a role? Our daughters grandmother on her fathers side introduced her to junk foods and soda very early on without our approval. Also, should I stop breastfeeding because of her tooth decay and if I continue what will happen to her teeth when she gets her crowns?
Antanesha--There is a lot of information on my other posts regarding this and related subjects. Look over on the sidebar and select such posts as "Just got an e-mail Bad Decay on a Two Year Old's Teeth" or, "Cavities in Young Children Increasing" There are also resources from the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry that can help. Basically, cavities are caused by bacteria. Bacteria are fed by flooding them with fermentable carbohydrates in a bottle or sippy cup at night (after age one) such as juice, milk, soda, breastmilk too. It speeds up the decay process. Once the child is older, crackers, raisins, anything that hangs around a while and breaks down into sugars can accelerate the bacterial metabolism already there.
Once decay is already there you can't stop it, but you can slow the progression by avoiding juice, etc at night. POnce teeth are restored, it's a do-over. So, good brushing, etc will help, (and avoid night time feeding if the child is over one year of age.)
Great article. Thank you for sharing this information. This is beneficial for me in putting together a training manual for my team.
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